Books For Chefs Catalogue Evolution book Jordi Puigvert Research and Development
Evolution is not revolution

Books For Chefs Catalogue Evolution book Jordi Puigvert Research and Development
Grupo Vilbo and so good.. magazine present Jordi Puigvert’s Evolution, a practical book about new and surprising techniques and ingredients for modern pastry.
As Jordi Puigvert often says – evolution is not revolution. Indeed, it’s not about revolutionizing anything, but helping pastry move one step forward. But how? Through a series of techniques and ingredients as interesting as unusual in traditional pastry.
If there is a natural ingredient, with an origin and extraction method similar to that of the usual ones, and which provides us with practical and specific solutions in our daily tasks, why shouldn’t we use it?
There are some reasons which explain the skepticism of a good number or professionals. Firstly, the prejudices which make some people think these are chemicals instead of natural products. Secondly, the ignorance or even confusion about their properties and technical possibilities. And lastly -this being sometimes a deterrent- the association some people establish between these ingredients and the so-called ‘molecular cuisine’.
For all the things stated above, we think a book like this was absolutely necessary. And we would have found no better author than Jordi Puigvert to sign it. This young, experienced professional has deeply researched the technical possibilities of gelling and thickening agents, emulsifiers, etc. with a very clear objective – offering the pastry professional specific solutions to fight off everyday problems.
From Grupo Vilbo, we would like to acknowledge the huge effort Puigvert has made to write this book, as well as the opportunity to publish it and thus contribute to the evolution –not revolution– of our beloved world of pastry.