Andoni Luis Adúriz Antonio Bachour Francisco Migoya Frank Haasnoot Gabriele Riva Jean-Paul Hévin Josep Maria Ribé Ramon Morató Raúl Bernal so good #16
It matters not where in so good #16

Alberto Ruiz
Andoni Luis Adúriz Antonio Bachour Francisco Migoya Frank Haasnoot Gabriele Riva Jean-Paul Hévin Josep Maria Ribé Ramon Morató Raúl Bernal so good #16
Six from France, three Americans, three Spaniards, two Japanese, a Ukrainian, a Lithuanian, an Israeli and a Palestinian, one Argentinian, an Italian, a Swede, a Puerto Rican living in Miami, an Italian in New York, and a Dutchman in Hong Kong. These are the protagonists of so good .. magazine # 16. Why do we emphasize the nationality of these chefs? Well, to make perfectly clear that that is precisely the least important aspect of their characteristics. In other words, we are interested in haute pâtisserie where can find it, and it is a real pleasure to see that in San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Tokyo and Buenos Aires there are those who speak the same language, the language of sweet cuisine d’auteur; sensitive, traditional or creative, but exquisitely prepared and presented.
Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the recreations of Emmanuele Forcone; the architecture of Gabriele Riva; the savoir-faire of Jean-François Deguignet; Yoav Deckelbaum and Yehiye Qadari’s fraternity; the meditation of Michel Willaume; the realism of Nick Muncy; Raul Bernal‘s imagination; Andoni Luis Aduriz’s surprise; Frank Haasnoot’s challenge; John Kraus’s dream; the geometry of Dinara Kasko; Julia Soria’s nod; the essence of Jordi Guillem; Jean Paul Hevin’s chair; Antonio Bachour’s shop window; Francisco Migoya’s modernist pastry; Llian Bonnefoi’s versatility; Naokin Fujiwara’s urban refinement; the palatial air of Laurent Jeannin; Joel Lindqvist’s nature; Cecile Farkas’s fantasy; Yoshinari Otsuka’s French refinement; and Valerija Livanova’s passion.
We conclude with an interesting study between science and pastry by five pastry chefs, Ruben Álvarez, Ramon Morató, Josep Maria Ribé, Enric Rovira, and Jaume Biarnes, and two scientists from the prestigious Alicia Foundation, the chemist Pere Castells and food technologist Ingrid Farré.
And let’s not forget the more than 80 suppliers that are committed to so good .. magazine as an excellent showcase for promoting their products, and as in the case of the chefs, regardless of their origin, use pastry as a common language.