Books For Chefs Catalogue Jose Romero Panettone
Remember 28ºC by Jose Romero. For a rich, regular and comprehensible panettone / Review

The most anticipated book about the most fashionable sweet product has arrived. Remember 28ºC by Jose Romero is the definitive book for those interested in mastering panettone and taking it one step further. The famous specialist in this emblematic dough covers all the key aspects of its preparation, from the choice of ingredients, the fascinating universe of the sourdough, passing through key issues within each stage related to temperature control or the dosage of each ingredient. The author leaves nothing out of the method with which he has conquered dozens of professionals in his specialized courses, not only in Barcelona at the EPGB, but increasingly in more and more seminars and masterclasses around the world.
In the more than 270 pages of this book, all the fundamental elements of a theory explained with a great practical spirit are reviewed. A theory that has also evolved from bases that the author himself has experimented over and over again until he has managed to personalize all the elements that lead to producing a product with excellent characteristics (flavor, aroma, texture, conservation) and integrating it into a production system. craftsman.
Discover Remember 28ºC by Jose Romero
Who leads who?
The qualitative leap for any professional who tries to make panettone is, according to Jose Romero, when he goes from replicating a recipe to designing his own formula and production system. That is precisely the purpose of this book, to accompany the reader in the essential points that will allow them to understand what happens at each moment of the process, what role each ingredient plays, and how it can modulate or change a result depending on the dosage, the control of temperatures, or rest times.
The great dream that any initiate tries to make come true is to get a natural but regular product, that is, to be the one who leads the figurative dog and not the other way around. Remember 28ºC is the definitive ally in achieving that goal.

The stages of sourdough, filling cycles, and the introduction of cold
There are many elements that allow us to personalize our panettone and elevate it to be an artisanal pastry jewel. The book Remember 28ºC focuses on all of them, dedicating, for example, a chapter to sourdough, the basic ingredient of panettone. With numerous diagrams and tables, the book details the stages of initiation, maintenance, cooling, and activation of its dough, as well as the guidelines for integrating it into a production cycle.
The production of artisan panettone is divided into two pasting cycles separated by their corresponding resting and fermentation stages. Jose Romero studies this process in detail and offers innovative recommendations to understand the function of each ingredient, adjust its dosage to our needs, and control rest periods to obtain the best result, including the use of cold when possible.

Endless recipes
The second part of the book is entirely dedicated to great preparations of panettone and similar doughs. From the classic panettone to the most personal combinations, from the Easter colomba to the pandoro, including an original bussolà. The work also receives a visit from three great specialists who share their own creations: Bruno Andreoletti, Jesús Fuentes, and Joe Moretones.
But it does not stop there. Jose Romero expands this book with a chapter dedicated to the icings with which to finish each dough and with another one around candied fruits. There is also room for auxiliary preparations which are more related to these doughs.

The era of panettone is here
Panettone is the most popular sweet in the world, experiencing a growing demand that has crossed the Italian borders for years. In Spain we have been enjoying its artisan version for decades through sevelar pioneers in the field. But Jose Romero has been one of the ambassadors and main promoters of the culture of this product in recent years, organizing, for example, the Competition for the Best Artisan Panettone in Spain.
From the EPGB in Barcelona, his specialized panettone courses have gained the interest of more and more professionals. It is a recognition that has led him to travel to more and more nationally and to finally move around the world, from Latin America to Southeast Asia, always with a method that marvels those who know him for the ease with which allows you to master a dough as magical and special as this one.
Finally, his method is now concentrated in a book available to everyone in Spanish and English at the Books For Chefs online store.
It is quite a challenge to transfer to paper the passion that awakens such a special product as the artisan panettone. That is why ‘Remember 28ºC’ also has the spectacular artistic and photographic work of Jose ‘Piru’ Rivera, a visual exercise that accompanies the whole book worthy of being exhibited in an art gallery.