Books For Chefs Catalogue David Gil nougat
XOK, beyond turrón and chocolate bars / Review

For several years, David Gil and Ingrid Serra have been working on a broad and evolved concept of turrón, which has ended up leading to XOK, the first and only book dedicated to this product.

In addition to a detailed overview of historical turrón varieties, such as Alicante, Jijona, Montelimar, Guirlache, Mazapán, or Yema Quemada, Gil and Serra invite us to explore a universe of fantasy, creativity, excitement, and fun. Their “turrones” take on such unlikely shapes as a panettone, a king’s cake, a candle, a star or a Christmas stocking, but they also recreate classic cake and dessert formats such as Saint Honoré, Black Forest, Lemon Pie, or Cheesecake.

The new “turrones” are close to and almost assimilated with the concept of the “chocolate bar”, even including chocolate snacks, thus creating a whole range of products that are perfectly valid throughout the year, and that can be found in all types of chocolate, pastry, and restaurant establishments.
But in addition to the magical shapes and designs, XOK offers pieces of high gastronomic value, balanced in terms of texture and conservation, with high-end professional and restaurant pastry techniques, and studied fillings based on pralines, giandujas, fruit pastes, ganaches, marzipan, marshmallow, caramels, and more. They are nougats but at the same time they are haute patisserie desserts.
The new book is now available at