FHA-HoReCa postpones its celebration due to ongoing coronavirus situation

Ana RodríguezInforma Markets, the organizer of FHA-HoReCa, has postponed the event, originally scheduled from March 3 to 6 at the Singapore Expo, due to the ongoing coronavirus situation. “Before the decision to postpone FHA-HoReCa was made, we consulted extensively with our exhibitors and established the main concern about the show proceeding as planned as the current challenging business environment for their industry”. And they add: “the industry needs time to recover from the situation and the postponement will allow a sufficient period of recovery for the buying potential of the region to return in full force.”
The new dates confirmed by the Salon are July 13, 14, 15 and 16. This decision has been taken after extensive consultation with the industry after considering the challenging climate in the hospitality and foodservice equipment sectors caused by the restrictions on travel and tourism across Asia-Pacific.
In a statement, Informa Markets also ensures that it continues to work, in association with the relevant government authorities and agencies, to take the necessary measures in accordance with the latest advisories published by the Singapore Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Manpower.