Ana Rodríguez
FIPGC Host Milano The World Trophy of Pastry Ice Cream Chocolate
The FIPGC World Pastry Championship 2019, contended among 16 countries

Ana RodríguezPeru, Bolivia, France, Australia, Italy, Japan, the USA, Thailand, China, Romania, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt are the countries that will compete in the World Trophy of Pastry, Ice Cream, and Chocolate 2019, which will take place on October 21 and 22 at Host Milano.
The event, organized by the FIPGC (International Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate), proposes as the theme this year, “National Art and Tradition”. Each team must be made up of four members – a coach and three competitors – who will be tested in three categories: chocolate sculpture and praliné, sugar sculpture and modern cake, pastillage sculpture and single-portion ice cream.
The jury will award a first prize valued at 10,000 euros, a second of 5,000 euros, and a third prize of 3,000 euros.