France, the Netherlands, and Denmark have been selected for the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie 2020

Ana RodríguezThe Fête du Pain of Paris has been the framework chosen to celebrate the European International Selection for the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie, in which six countries have competed (Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France).
Each team had eight hours to carry out tests involving bread, viennoiserie, and artistic pieces in front of a jury chaired by the MOF Christian Vabret and formed by Sélim Nouira (Tunisia), Ellen Yin (Taiwan), and Pio Pantoja (Peru).
The French team, coached by Sébastien Chevallier and composed by Valentin Levrard (pain), Damien Dedun (viennoiserie), and Maximilien Tetard (artistique), was proclaimed winner. The second place went to the Netherlands, formed by Mark Plaating (pain), Gerard Vreudgenhil (viennoiserie), and Roel Tegels (artistique) and coach Som Hans. And the third position was held by Denmark with Mikkel Hansen (pain), Siri Lakmann (viennoiserie), and Asger Skov Hansen (artistique) and Coach Kasper Hansen. The three countries will participate in the Coupe du Monde of the Boulangerie 2020 that will take place in Europain.