Morocco once again wins the African Pastry Cup

Ana RodríguezOn June 29, the fourth edition of the African Pastry Cup took place in Marrakech. After five and a half hours of intense competition, the Moroccan team, consisting of Yassine Lmajarred and Mohamend El Yazidi, came in first place, followed by Egypt and Algeria coming in at second and third place respectively. The three countries, in addition to Tunisia which won the “Wild Card”, will participate in the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie to be held in January 2019 in Lyon.
Morocco is once again victorious. In the previous edition back in 2016, they won this championship and this year have demonstrated their skills yet again, returning to place in the highest position on the podium after beating seven other countries: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Senegal, and Tunisia.