Ten haute patisserie success stories at the World Pastry Stars 2015

Ana RodríguezOn 24 and 25 May, 2015, the second International World Pastry Stars Congress will be held in Stresa, with the participation of leading pastry chefs from around the world (Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the United Arab Emirates and Japan), who will be narrating how they face market challenges and strategies for production, management, organization, commercialization, and packaging to succeed in their trade, without losing quality or tradition.
The first speaker will be Luca Montersino, of Eataly, a successful business that focuses on mass distribution. Then Frédéric Cassel, who has worked in countries such as Japan and Morocco, will explain how to adapt pastry elaborations to the needs and tastes of each country. The best testimony concerning the incredible potential for expansion of this sector will come from Ehsan Hosseini, from United Arab Emirates, who will tell of how he has conquered emerging countries with his sophistication. The Japanese chef Norihiko Terai will take the opportunity to promote the use of baked pastry, and Santi Palazzolo will reveal how to export traditional Sicilian confectionery (his homeland) abroad. Pierre Hermé, whose creations have been compared with unique couture pieces, will discuss the best methods to promote haute patisserie. Gino Fabri will address how small artisans and industry can join forces and interests. Jean Philippe Darcis will detail the process (from the laboratory to the packaging) for the packaging of chocolate, one of the most coveted sweets. The Spaniard Miguel Moreno will show the possibilities of the Internet in such a manual business. Finally, Jeff Oberweis will demonstrate how well pastry and bakery combine.