Chocolate Week, showroom for the world’s top-of-the-range chocolate

Luis ConcepciónChocolate Week, from 8th to 14th October, was born in London some good years ago as a response for a market eager to find the latest trends in top-of-the-range chocolate. And creating a showroom in which artisans and companies could exhibit their latest creations produced excellent results. As everybody knows, being at Chocolate Week is a reward for excellence for the best chocolate artisans and manufacturers, as well as a privileged communication channel which helps the finest chocolate industry meet the most demanding British customers.
And in this setting, the involvement of the local chocolatiers hasn’t been trivial. Damian Allsop and William Curley, among others, have firmly supported this showroom, which has eventually become internationally renowned after the participation of outstanding figures such as Enric Rovira, La Maison du Chocolat, Amedei and Valrhona – a true luxury for those Brits who have products from all over the world at their disposal. Now that it has recently closed, there is no doubt that it has been more than just an exclusive trade fair. Varied demonstrations, such as new bar and drink collections with chocolate as the main ingredient, were developed at the ‘Chocolate Unwrapped’ exhibition, in the very heart of London’s Covent Garden, the London Film Museum.