Countdown to the 23rd Bakery China

Ana RodríguezGiven the evolution of the coronavirus in China and in the world, Bakery China rescheduled its 23rd edition, scheduled for July 2020. The fair, organized by China Association of Bakery & Confectionery Industry and Bakery China Exhibitions, will finally be held from 27 to 30 April at Shanghai New International Exhibition Center, covering the whole show center with 17 halls amounting to 220,000 sqm.
In this edition, the exhibition area will be improved with more than 20 segmentations, divided into three large groups: Ingredient and Finished Product, Equipment and Packaging Design & Material / Packaging Solution. Likewise, future perspectives, product technologies, and marketing strategies of the bakery and pastry industry will be re-analyzed.
But Bakery China is not only an exhibition of products and technologies, it is also a space that hosts important competitions. The Louis Lesaffre Cup China Selection, the China Pastry Selection for the Pastry World Cup, and the China Selection of World Chocolate Masters are some of the competitions that will take place next April.