Europain 2016. New dates and many new activities

Ana RodríguezDetails of Europain & Intersuc 2016, one of the most important events at a European level for the pastry and bakery sectors, are beginning to come to light.
One of the most noticeable changes is the earlier date. It will be held in Paris from 5 to 9 February instead of March. Other remarkable and new additions are the five spaces for entertainment, with which the Salon aims to boost markets:
- Conference Café: an informal area reserved for roundtable discussions on current issues.
- Intersuc Lab: A real-time production which will bring new ideas to artisans, show the latest consumer trends, etc.
- Eat-in bakery: broad and innovative range of food, both for take-away and in-store.
- Baker’s restaurant: live demonstrations to explore all the solutions for restaurants.
- Baker’s Lab: A real-time production with explicit content on the bakery profession (materials, processes, designs of shops).
Apart from that, the Salon continues to retain characteristic elements such as the Rue des Ecoles (schools street that will lie between the Intersuc area and the bakery area). There is also the Cube, a space that will host the French Schools Cup, which in turn gathers the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie and the International Confectionary Art Competition, one of the main shows of Europain.