Good rate of enrollment for ISM and ProSweets 2021

Ana RodríguezSix months after the ISM and ProSweets fairs, which will be held simultaneously from January 31 to February 3, 2021 in Cologne (Germany) and which are a benchmark for the confectionery and snacks industry, the rate of registration is very positive.
The ISM, which broke a participation record this 2020 with a total of 1,774 exhibitors from 76 countries and some 37,000 visitors, is confident of maintaining these good results in the next edition despite the coronavirus health crisis. To date, 501 companies from 55 countries and a contracted area of 76% have registered. Along with Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, Poland, France, the Netherlands, and Turkey are listed as the destinations with the most agreed square meters, and requests have been received from new countries such as Australia and Iran. Also, as a conceptual novelty, in the Fair, under the title “Finest Creations – hand-crafted”, there will be a space for specialized commerce dedicated to small-volume commercial operations with sweets and snacks.
As stated by Sabine Schommer, director of the ISM, this data gives an optimistic view about the next edition. “In conversations with exhibitors, we noticed, along with numerous insecurities, also a certain level of feeling of revival. Who would have expected in these circumstances that, for example, registrations would be received from new exhibitors from Australia or Iran? For us it is important that together with our clients we can offer them a market platform that makes it possible for the sector to boost their business again nationally and internationally. To this we must add the personal contact and professional exchange of ideas that is irreplaceable. This will be carried out within an extraordinary framework of preventive measures, since the safety and health of our exhibitors and visitors is of vital importance to us ”.
For its part, the ProSweets also registers a positive evolution. More than 100 companies from all countries that regularly participate have already registered, and have even increased the surface of their stands. In addition, the fair will feature new exhibitors from Germany, France, and Turkey. And as a differential point, the next edition will give a greater prominence to the ingredients with the space “ProSweets Cologne Ingredients – inspiring products”.