Limitless 3D chocolate

Alberto RuizFrom the combination of the most innovative production technology, personalized design, and high-end chocolate, a revolutionary project presented by Barry Callebaut emerges through its global decoration brand, Mona Lisa. This is “Mona Lisa 3D Studio“, a 3D printing system that allows you to recreate any design, however complex or specific, in chocolate.
Among the virtues of this system, the possibility of using the best chocolate to achieve designs and shapes with a level of perfection, finesse, and never before seen detail stands out. And all of this is quick, on a large scale, and without production limits.
The worldwide presentation of Mona Lisa 3D Studio took place yesterday at Mas Marroch, the event space for the Roca brothers in Girona. The youngest one in the saga, Jordi, has been one of the main actors in the creative development of this project. Take as an example the latest creation of Roca, “Flor de Cacao”, which represents a cocoa bean that opens like a flower on contact with hot chocolate sauce. A design created and reproduced thanks to Monalisa’s 3D technology.
Chefs can create their own chocolate decoration by specifying their shape and size preferences, before a team of designers transforms the product into a 3D digital prototype. Once the prototype is approved, the final product can be produced in large quantities quickly.
“This new way of working with chocolate will leave consumers speechless, producing forms that were unthinkable on a large scale and with incredible precision,” explains Jordi Roca. «Normally, I feel inspired by the things I cannot do, since they represent a challenge to my creativity, but now I can take my artisanal ability with chocolate to another level. I can imagine any kind of new design and give it life ».