More than 280 video recipes from great chefs in Savour School online classes

Ana RodríguezChampagne macarons, croissants, orange caramel cake, matcha petit gâteaux, Paris Brest, fruit entremet… these are just some of the over 280 video recipes available, with unlimited access, in online classes from Savour School (Melbourne, Australia), Kirsten Tibballs’s school.
With this option, professional foodies and pastry chefs from around the world can learn techniques and trends without leaving home thanks to Tibballs and many other great guest chefs such as Frank Haasnoot, Antonio Bachour, Johan Martin, Jordi Bordas, and Melissa Coppel.
Creations are included for all levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) that cover a wide range of topics such as chocolates & pralines, desserts, pastry, entremets, petit gateaux, macarons, petit fours, tea cakes and more. In addition, the Australian pastry chef offers recipes that she does not teach in face-to-face classes, creations that have been developed exclusively for this type of courses.
Those who subscribe to Savour School online classes can , among other benefits, view the video library without limits, which is expanded every month, access to downloadable PDF recipes with detailed methods, and access to a forum where it is possible to connect with chefs from other countries.