Ancient grain, holiday specialties, and American baking in Guittard Chocolate’s courses

Ana RodríguezUnder the direction of its pastry chef Donald Wressell, Guittard Chocolate Studio (Los Angeles, California) hosts hands-on workshops with leading chefs, chocolatiers, and bakers to learn new skills, refine techniques, and expand knowledge around chocolate.
In its training calendar, three courses are planned for the end of 2022, some of them prepared in collaboration with The Bread Bakers Guild of America. From October 2-4, Craig Ponsford, instructor at the Culinary Institute of American in St. Helena and owner of his own bakery/innovation center Ponsford’s Place, will instruct on the complexities of whole grains, specifically grinding, fermentation, and hydration. Along with Josh Johnson, he will bake bread with whole and ancient grain flours, using seasonal produce from the farmers’ market. From October 23-24, John Kraus, owner and chef of the award-winning Patisserie 46 and Rose Street, will be crafting Christmas specialties from Patisserie 46: Kugelhopf, Babka, Pain Vienoise, Pain d’epice, Gallete De Rois, Biscuit Savoyard, Parmesan Crackers, Viennese chocolate cookies, Zimtsterne, and the favorite Pierre Noel as well as a Rustic Rye Baguette and caramel marshmallow. Lastly, Cheryl Day, a New York Times bestselling cookbook author, will demonstrate on November 6 and 7 how to make some of the beloved recipes in the American baking canon from cookies, pies, and cakes to cake decorating and holiday recipes.