February 5, 2021
Jaume Cot
Jaume Cot
The French chef Jean Marie Hiblot has passed away

Jaume CotOn February 4, we woke up to the sad news of the death of Jean-Marie Hiblot, executive pastry chef of Alain Ducasse Entreprise. At only 42 years old, an unexpected illness has been the cause of his death.
Until now, this pastry chef had built a prestigious career alongside professionals such as Christophe Michalak (Plaza Athenee), Gilles Marchal (Le Bristol), or Alain Ducasse himself. He had also carried out publishing projects (for example Le Petit Nicolas), and was an active and beloved figure among his colleagues in the sector. From the so good .. magazine team we regret the loss of this chef and send our sincere condolences to those close to him.
Credit photo: Julien Bouvier Championnat de France du Dessert