Modernist Pizza hits bookstores in October

Ana RodríguezThe latest release from the Modernist Cuisine team is Modernist Pizza which, although hitting bookstores next October, can now be reserved. A book consisting of three volumes and a cooking manual, which is the result of research, travel, and hundreds of experiments to collect and promote a worldwide knowledge of pizza.
Authors Nathan Myhrvold and Francisco Migoya share practical tips and innovative techniques here, as well as more than 1,000 traditional and cutting-edge recipes for many types of pizza makers, from professionals including chefs and bakers to beginners. The book therefore maintains the spirit that we have already been able to enjoy in the previous book, Modernist Bread.
Focusing on the different sections of the book, the first volume reviews the history and fundamentals of this food, analyzing the ingredients that make up the dough or the role of heat in the production process. The second volume focuses on techniques and ingredients, giving a complete overview of all the components (dough, sauces, cheese, and toppings), and the third presents innovative recipes to inspire chefs to come up with their own versions.
One of the novelties of Modernist Pizza compared to other books is that it dedicates an entire chapter to the trips that the team made to 250 pizzerias around the world to show different styles of making pizza in countries like Italy, the United States, Argentina, Japan, and Brazil.
Modernist Pizza promotional video: