Great ambassador of Brazilian pastry. He leads the ‘Escola de Confeitaria Diego Lozano.
It was his grandmother who introduced him into the arts of the sweet at an early age, awaking a vocation in him which has not ceased growing ever since. Nowadays, not only is he one of the most acclaimed chefs in Brazil, but all over Latin America.
His solid training both in workshop pastry and in the world of restaurant desserts has led him to give classes and perform demonstrations in different countries.
Winning the World Chocolate Masters in Brazil in the year 2007 is another highlight in his successful career.
Lozano currently runs the ‘Escola de Confeitaria Diego Lozano’, located in Vila Mariana.
Bio Highlights
2007 – Winner of the Brazilian Chocolate Masters
2009 – First place in the MS Trophy’s (Best Chocolate Sculpture)
2010 – First place in the MS Trophy’s (Best Chocolate Sculpture)
“It was his grandmother who introduced him into the arts of the sweet at an early age, awaking a vocation in him which has not ceased growing ever since”
so good.. magazine #1
“It was his grandmother who introduced him into the arts of the sweet at an early age, awaking a vocation in him which has not ceased growing ever since”
so good.. magazine #1
Featured in so good #1