MOF pâtissier and glacier, founder and director of the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie.
He has been in the trade for over half a century. He is MOF pâtissier and glacier and holds all the titles one can obtain in this profession. For 25 years, he has led and been president of the most prestigious pastry competition worldwide. His name means pastry itself, means France and means, very especially, Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie.
Bio Highlights
1972 – MOF Pâtissier
1976 – MOF Glacier
1976 – Culinary Trophy for the Best Chef of the Year
1989 – He inaugurates the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie
“37 of my former trainees have set up their own business – the role of a craftsman is to ensure he has rivals so as to ensure the continuity of the profession”
so good.. magazine #1
“37 of my former trainees have set up their own business – the role of a craftsman is to ensure he has rivals so as to ensure the continuity of the profession”
so good.. magazine #1
Featured in so good #1