At just 17, Lluc Crusellas worked at the desserts station of the restaurant of the well-known Spanish chef Nandu Jubany during summer. That is where the career of this young chef began, a professional who after training in prestigious Barcelona schools such as EspaiSucre and Hofmann joined La Pastisseria by Josep Maria Rodríguez, winner of La Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie and where he learned production methods, organization and teamwork. Since 2017 he has been the head pastry chef at El Carme Pastisseria, a small bakery in the city of Vic (Barcelona).
His most important feat in recent times has been to win the World Chocolate Masters 2022, the youngest to do so in the history of the competition and also the first Spaniard to achieve said title.
In 2023, he embarked on an ambitious project, Eukarya, a new chocolate shop in the town of Vic that includes a range of 45 chocolate products, with online sales throughout Europe and a store with a 700 square meter workshop.
“All my creations are 100% focused on retail sales, and that’s why I think about productivity and at the same time I look for differentiation”
“All my creations are 100% focused on retail sales, and that’s why I think about productivity and at the same time I look for differentiation”
Featured in so good #24, so good #30 and so good #33