Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Joaquin Soriano

Choux flower with rice paper, lychees, and pear by Joaquin Soriano

Choux flower with rice paper, lychees, and pear by Joaquin Soriano

At CJSJ (Taiwan), Joaquin Soriano renews the appearance of classic products such as a lioness or a galette de roi, turning them into something totally different. His pastries are fresh not only because of how freshly made they are, but also because of the attraction they arouse in his customers.


As an example is this choux flower topped with flavored rice paper. As he explains, “This choux was one of the products I chose for my presentation at the spring meeting of the Relais Desserts association, to which I have been a member for less than a year. The theme of the meeting was “Beautiful/Elegant”, so flowers immediately came to mind. I wasn’t sure how to express this flower shape and I wanted to try it with rice paper, so I used coconut oil and sugar macerated in vanilla.”


It is very easy to acquire rice paper, although shaping it involves working on each paper one by one, taking great care so that they do not break when cutting them because they are very fragile. “It is a good idea for a special order, but not for producing in large quantities,” he warns.


We share the recipe for this preparation on, which reflects the playful character of this French chef of Spanish origin.