Few things can fill us with as much satisfaction as realizing that the fruits we planted in the heart of this magazine one day –even in its literal meaning, as it was the case of the article on Josep Maria Rodríguez’s La Pastisseria and his cherry (cirera) [so good..magazine #8] – suddenly bloom in the hands of somebody else who took it as a source of inspiration and a challenge to improve their own skills. Such is Talita Setyady’s case, who has recently posted on her blog –Talita’s Kitchen– a fully-detailed article about her own version of Josep Maria Rodríguez’s dessert made with her own hands. Let us then congratulate Talita on the high professional level her reproduction shows.
This gives proof that So Good.. Magazine has become a tool for the spread of a specific way of understanding excellence and creativity in the world of artisanal pastry. Do not miss her post on the cherry dessert. We honestly hope that Talita soon shows her talent in our pages so that these especial fruits keep being planted and blooming.
Have a look at her complete article https://www.talitaskitchen.com/2012/10/the-cherry-on-top.html