Orange Pieter de Volder so good #22
Hora del vermut with granité, chocolate crumble, ice cream, and orange jelly by Pieter de Volder

With the philosophy of less is more, Pieter de Volder, one of the leading chefs of so good # 22, opened his own establishment in Leuven (Belgium) in 2015 alongside chocolate maker David van Acker.
In this shop there is no shortage of Mediterranean flavors inspired directly by his time in Barcelona when he worked in Bubó under the orders of Carles Mampel. Clean and simple creations on the outside but very powerful in terms of flavor on the inside, in which the best products are used, playing with different textures and light mousses. A very modern style that is reflected in his creation, Vermouth Hour, whose recipe we reproduce below.
Photography by Debic
Hora del vermut
- 249 g Debic cream Stand & Overrun 35%
- 70 g milk
- 1 vanilla pod
- 30 g gelatin mass (5 g gelatin powder + 25 g water)
- 154 g dark chocolate 64%
- 75 g milk chocolate 35%
Cook the cream, milk and vanilla pod and strain over the chocolates.
Mix to a smooth emulsion by using a hand blender.
Add the melted gelatin mass and mix well.
- 250 g water
- 80 g sugar
- 30 g orange juice
- 55 g red vermut
- 32 g juice of bergamot
- 1 star anise
Heat all ingredients and leave it overnight. Strain and freeze.
Chocolate crumble
- 100 g Debic Traditional butter
- 100 g sugar
- 100 g grilled almond powder
- 75 g flour
- 15 g cocoa powder
- 1 zest of orange
- 1,2 g fleur de sel
Knead all ingredients until rough crumbles.
Portion out on a baking tray coverd with baking paper.
Bake at 170°C during 16 minutes an stir during baking.
Ice cream
- 1 l milk
- 240 g egg yolk
- 300 g sugar
- 2 vanilla pods
- 500 g Debic cream Stand & Overrun 35%
Cook the milk with the vanilla pods, the sugar and the egg yolks to 83° C (anglaise).
Leave to mature for 24 hours.
Add the liquid cream.
Orange jelly
- 350 g orange juice
- 80 g lime juice
- 36 g gelatine mass (6 g gelatin powder + 30 g water)
- 4 g agar
Heat the juices to 40°C and mix with the agar.
Cook for three minutes.
Add the gelatin mass and mix well.
Pour on a tray and leave it to gel.
Cut in to small cubes.
Pipe twoo lines of whipped ganache on a plate.
Put a small layer of crumble in the middle.
Place a scoop of vanilla ice on the crumble
Decorate with the shaved granite, the orange jelly and white chocolate plates.
Finish with died raspberry powder.
Check out these two recipes by Pieter de Volder in sogood #22