Anthony Hart so good #29 Soft Caramel
Jerusalem artichoke tatin with Vanilla Ice-cream by Anthony Hart

Anthony Hart, who has just completed his Bachelor of Arts in Photography at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), is today one of Australia’s most unique pastry chefs.
Convinced that pastry is the engine of today’s cooking, he assures that to execute a recipe “composition, color, texture, good planning, and a creative vision and, of course, a good understanding of the practice” is necessary.
His creations, as we discovered in so good 29, are technically perfect, simple, and full of details that reflect his creative sensibilities. Here we share this singular recipe exclusively on our website, in which Hart displays his style presenting a tatin with a product as unusual as the Jerusalem artichoke, a very culinary tuber which is very sweet at the same time.
Jerusalem artichoke tatin with Vanilla Ice-cream
All recipes will make more than what is required but can be used for other dessert preparations.
Puff pastry
Makes: Approximately 980 gr
- 250 g good quality flour
- 5 g salt
- 25 g cultured butter
- 300 g cold water
- 400 g cultured butter (chilled)
To make the dough, place all of the dry ingredients into a benchtop mixer bowl, place the bowl onto the benchtop mixer and attach the dough hook attachment. On a slower setting, begin to mix the dry ingredients until uniform. Once uniform, add the water and allow the mix to become a smooth dough, then add the butter and mix until uniform again. Once uniform and smooth, remove the dough from the mixer, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and allow the dough to rest in the fridge for a minimum of 12 hours. Roll the chilled butter between two sheets of baking paper until uniform in thickness ensuring you keep the shape roughly in the shape you plan to roll the dough into (i.e., 20cm by 20cm). Make sure they are both a similar size in order to start creating the laminations. Once the dough has chilled and the butter is prepared, roll the pastry into a sheet of approximately 20cm by 40cm, then add the prepared butter onto one side of the rolled-out dough. Close the dough over the butter ensuring little to no butter will escape while further rolling. Pinch each of the edges together to ensure this. Roll the dough further while the two preparations are at a similar temperature and approximately 20cm by 40cm in shape. Fold the dough into a book fold of thirds, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and allow the dough to rest for up to 2 hours between turns, before rolling again, turn the dough 45° between resting and clearly mark the dough to ensure you know which direction to roll next. Complete this step 6 times in total to create the most efficient laminations. Keep in mind you want to keep rolling the pastry in the right direction, so mark the dough each time to ensure you know in which direction the dough must be rolled for the next fold. Once complete, allow the dough to rest for up to 12 hours or freeze the dough for when you need it. Defrost the dough overnight in the fridge, not at room temperature. When needed roll the pastry to approximately 5mm in thickness and cut a disk approximately 3 to 4 cm bigger than your selected heavy-based pan. For the pictured recipe, the size was 18cm (pan was 15cm). Place the disc in the fridge ready for use.
Spice mixture
Makes: Approximately 40gr
- 25 g whole cinnamon
- 7,5 g star anise
- 5 g cardamom
- 2,5 g cloves
- 2 g citric acid
- 10 g used and dehydrated vanilla skin
Place all of the above onto an oven tray and place the tray into an oven set to 120°C for 15 minutes, once lightly roasted remove the tray from the oven and allow the ingredients to cool. Once cooled, place all the above into a Thermomix and blitz; ensure you blitz the mix until fine and sift the spice with a fine sieve once blitzed. Store the spice mix in an airtight container, dated and labelled ready for use.
Makes: Approximately 360 gr
- 150 g sugar
- 150 g cultured butter
- 5 g salt
- 50 g water
- 1 ea vanilla bean (split and scraped, use the seeds only and keep the bean for decoration
- 3 g spice mix (See above)
Place the butter and the sugar into a suitable heavy-based saucepan, place the saucepan onto the stove over high heat and allow the butter to melt. Once the butter has melted, allow the sugar to caramelise while stirring constantly. Once 155°C to 160°C is reached slowly add the water in increments to the butter and sugar mix and whisk the mixture vigorously, this will allow you to re emulsify the caramel. Once emulsified add the salt and the spice and mix until uniform. Keep this mixture at room temperature while preparing the remainder of the recipe.
Jerusalem artichoke
Jerusalem Artichoke (the amount needed will be determined by the size and shape of the Jerusalem Artichoke available)
Peel the artichokes and keep the skins for the ice cream, make sure the selected artichokes are of a similar size to ensure they all cook at the same time. Vacuum pack the prepared artichokes until needed.
Artichoke skin infused vanilla ice-cream
Makes: Approximately 750 gr (1 Pacojet Container)
- 250 g cream (35%)
- 250 g milk (Full Fat)
- 100 g egg yolk
- 20 g sugar
- 30 g trimoline
- 1 ea vanilla bean (Split and the seeds scraped from the beans)
- 100 g white chocolate
- 70 g Jerusalem artichoke skins
Place the Jerusalem artichoke skins onto a baking paper-lined tray and place the tray into an oven set at 120°C and allow the skins to toast fully, they should resemble the texture of potato crisps. Heat the cream and place the toasted skins into the cream and allow the cream to infuse overnight in a suitable container. Before making the crème anglaise, sieve the infused cream, if any cream has been lost through the infusion, replace it at this stage to ensure the cream is at the correct amount. Place the cream, milk and vanilla into a heavy-based saucepan, place the saucepan onto the stove and heat until steam starts to rise from the saucepan. Mix the sugar, trimoline and egg yolks, and whisk these ingredients until pale. Once the cream is heated and the egg yolk mixture is pale and well whisked, add the hot cream in small amounts into the egg yolk mixture and keep whisking. Once all the cream has been added to the egg yolk mixture, pour the mixture back into the saucepan, and with a rubber spatula slowly stir the mixture over low heat until the mixture thickens and either coats the back of a spoon evenly or until the mixture reaches 81°C. Once the mixture has thickened, pass the crème anglaise through a fine sieve into a container. Add the chocolate and allow the chocolate to melt for 2 to 3 minutes. With a hand blender, blend the mixture until emulsified. Pour the mixture into the prepared Pacojet canister and freeze the mixture for 12 to 24 hours to allow the mixture to mature. Churn the ice cream 30 minutes before using. If using a Pacojet.
Select a suitable heavy based pan to make the Tart Tartin (for the recipe pictured the pan is 15cm in diameter). Pour 100gr of the Spiced Caramel into the pan and place the used vanilla bean over the caramel in a cross configuration. Place the preprepared Jerusalem Artichoke onto the caramel ensuring they are tightly packed and abundant in a single layer. Place the preprepared Puff Pastry Disc over the Jerusalem Artichokes and tuck the excess pastry under the artichokes to ensure the pastry won’t separate from the Jerusalem Artichokes. Score the pastry a few times to create steam outlets for when the Tart Tartin cooks. Place the Tart Tartin into the fridge for 1 hour before cooking. Place the Tart Tartin into a preheated oven at 220°C and begin the cooking. Every 10 minutes remove the Tart Tartin from the oven to bast the pastry with the caramel. Cook the Tart Tartin for approximately 30 to 40 minutes or until the pastry is well cooked (oven dependent). Once cooked, remove the Tart Tartin from the oven and allow it to cool slightly. Once cooled place the Tart Tartin onto the stove over medium heat. Caramelize the Jerusalem Artichokes a little more and ensure the contents are not sticking to the base of the pan. When ready, flip the Tart Tartin onto a serving plate, remove the vanilla and pour whatever remains of caramel over the top. Place a rocher of the ice cream over the center of the Tart Tartin when serving (as pictured).
Discover these recipes by Anthony Hart in So good #29