Entremet Recipes Javier Guillén Mango recipes so good #22
Manica vanilla, yogurt and apricot entremet by Javier Guillén

Javier Guillén has got us accustomed to a very personal pastry, which is inspired by his encounters, his experiences and his memories. This is how he does his annual collections, which he presents through courses taught all over the world. To delve further into that absolute personalization of his work, this Spanish chef, technician of firms such as Valrhona or Sosa Ingredients, designs his own molds to capture, in a more reliable way, the message he wants to launch with each of his new creations.
The result is always surprising: pieces that are simply different, in addition to imaginative, fresh and with a spot of fantasy. As the three creations that he gives us in sogood #22 and which Manica entremet is one of them. The author himself explains it to us next.
“It is the name of an architecture studio that has designed, in my opinion, the most beautiful and avant-garde sports stadiums in the world. This Manica cake recalls some of the most emblematic buildings that we can admire in places like Shanghai or Las Vegas. The lightness of the cake, with its nuances of vanilla, yogurt and apricot, responds to a trend that is very present today in sweet boutiques around the world.”
Javier Guillén
Dulcey vanilla cream
- 200 g milk
- 300 g egg
- 150 g sugar
- 22 g Gelcrema, hot
- 80 g Dulcey chocolate
- 1 uNorohy vanilla bean
Allow the vanilla to infuse in the milk. Mix all the ingredients except chocolate. Heat to 82ºC while continuously stirring. Remove from the heat and add the chocolate. Process with a stick blender and reserve in the refrigerator.
Flexi sponge
- 200 g egg whites
- 250 g ground almond
- 200 g cake flour
- 730 g egg whites
- 500 g sugar
- 70 g butter, liquid
- 2 g xanthan
Start by mixing the first egg whites and the almond. Whip the second measurement of egg whites and the sugar until stiff. Combine the with the previous mixture. Mix in the liquid butter. Finally add the flour together with the xanthan. Cast over a 60×40-cm sheet pan and bake at 180ºC.
Mango and apricot confit
- 350 g ripe mango, diced
- 450 g apricot purée
- 40 g sugar
- 8 g yellow pectin
- 2 g gelatin
Cut the mango into irregular dice of a small size. Cook in a 100ºC oven for 20 minutes. Heat the purée and add the sugar, gelatin and finally the pectin. Bring to a boil. Pour over 12-cm-wide and 1-cm-high rings. Reserve in the freezer until needed for the assembly.
Apricot and yogurt mousse
- 160 g apricot purée
- 12 g gelatin
- 340 g natural yogurt, unsweetened
- 400 g Opalys white chocolate
- 610 g cream, whipped to soft peaks
Heat the purée and add the previously hydrated gelatin. Pour over the chocolate and process with a stick blender. Add the yogurt. Once the mixture is at 30ºC, add the semi-whipped cream. Use immediately..
Once the baked Flexi sponge is cool, spread the Dulcey vanilla cream unevenly so that, once the sponge is cut, parts of sponge and pasts of cream can be seen as shown in the picture.
Cut into 16-cm-wide disks (for the base) and irregular 16-cm strips to line the cake as a finishing.
Make the mousse and pipe up to 2/3 of the ring.
Place the frozen insert. Fill the mold with the remaining mousse up to the top.
Seal with the sponge. Blast freeze, sprinkle with neutral gelatin and garnish as desired.