Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Kyohei Mikami Rose Desserts so good #31 Strawberry

REI, Fresh cake with rose, yuzu, berries, and sansho pepper by Kyohei Mikami

REI, Fresh cake with rose, yuzu, berries, and sansho pepper by Kyohei Mikami

Photos: Noriko Carlow

At his popular pastry shop in Tokyo, Kyohei Mikami, in addition to basic Japanese pastry products, offers fresh cakes based on the ‘take-away-art’ concept, as we explain in so good .. magazine 31.

He gives the pieces female names that are inspired by anime heroines. An example of this is a red glossy sphere white chocolate feathers called REI (Ms. Exquisite). Here, Mikami combines berries, rose, and Japanese sansho pepper, which has the same rosy aroma component. In the center of the mousse are raspberry and sansho kudzu mochi. Kudzu mochi is made of kudzu starch, and the texture is very distinctive, similar to jelly and mochi. Don’t miss out on the recipe, which we share exclusively on