Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

ice cream Raspberry White Chocolate

‘Valentine’ Wedding Cake with raspberry, champagne parfait,  and white chocolate ice cream from the book, -12ºC Gelato

‘Valentine’ Wedding Cake with raspberry, champagne parfait,  and white chocolate ice cream from the book, -12ºC Gelato

Bas van Haaren and Nils Hendrikse (one of the chefs featured in so cool.. magazine 1) are ice cream fans and they complement each other perfectly, as one stands out in terms of creativity and the other due to his technical knowledge. Both have joined forces to launch -12ºC Gelato, a book that gives keys to creating mixtures based on pure ingredients or to correctly apply raw materials in frozen desserts, among other things.


Available from Books For Chefs in English, it contains numerous educational descriptions that will allow both professional ice cream makers and restaurant chefs to achieve a perfect base. Also, in line with the latest trends, it includes recipes that are allergen-free, vegan, and with reduced sugars. In short, a book that teaches you how to create your own ice cream recipes from scratch.


Below we share the recipe for the Valentine Wedding Cake, included in -12ºC Gelato.


Discover -12ºC Gelato