Kit Circus Star: the winning combination between shape and taste

From a perfect exercise in style born from the game of balance, taste and shape comes the new Kit Circus Star, realized in collaboration with the Team Italia, composed by the president Gino Fabbri, the captain Lucca Cantarin, Francesco and Marcello Boccia and the coach Alessandro Dalmasso, awarded at the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie of Lione 2013.
The Kit Circus Star, wisely crafted by Silikomart Professional designers, is composed by 4 components: three food safe silicone moulds 100% Made in Italy (cake mould, insert and decoration) and one plastic support to guarantee more stability during the realization of the cake mould. The Kit allows to realize a cake of about 1l and it is versatile to use, since the three silicone moulds resist at temperatures going from – 60°C to + 230°C, resulting ideal for realizations that require the employment of the blast chiller and for the creation of baked products, sweet or salty.
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